Personal Note
Has God created a Seven-Millennium Timeline?  And is He interacting with mankind on the basis of that Timeline?  Compelling questions.  But can they be answered?  I believe they can be.  And not only that; I believe that God has led me to find the answers to these questions.
God is dealing with us - and all the universe - within a 7000-Year window of time.  And we now have the knowledge - and the consent from God - to see through that window with clarity.  I realize the boldness of what I just stated, but I have never been one to mince words.
The ramifications of having such knowledge are both tremendously exciting . . . and difficult for me.  What is my responsibility in this?  I deeply feel that people need to know.  And Time is short.  If I am correct, the ramifications for humanity - that includes us both - are mind-boggling.

Copyright Notice

©2024 - All Rights Reserved on all original material presented on this website.  I do not wish to be taken out of context, misquoted, misrepresented or misunderstood.  Please contact the administrator at before reproducing this material in whole or in part.  Contents.
God's 7000-Year Timeline
of His dealings with mankind and the universe
has been revealed in startling detail,
including the Seven-Years End Time!
And Time Is Very Short!
Claims similar to this have been made many times in the past and they have inevitably fallen short.  I realize that.  It concerns me.
I have asked God to grant me His unequivocal assurance that He has indeed led me throughout this process, and that everything presented here is correct.  That it is in fact, His Truth.  You should know that I have not received that degree of assurance from God.  However, I DO believe that God has led me.  And I DO believe in the Truth of what you will find here.  I really don't think I have the abilities to have completed this work on my own.  But as I just heard today as I'm wrapping up the initial presentation of this website, from a man who selflessly serves humanity:

"God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called."  Thanks LT.  I needed that.
Regarding the menu above:  You will find the extraordinary new Timeline information by clicking on the six larger green buttons.  If you wish, go there first to see what has been revealed, but then come back and go through the menu topics in order, from the top down.  Please treat this most important topic as the study that it needs to be.

If you are a conservative church-goer, almost certainly, some of what I detail here will rub you the wrong way.  All I ask is that you come here with a willingness to look fairly and honestly at what you will be reading.  And to lay preconceptions aside, if only for a short while.  Truth is built upon Truth.  Layer upon layer.  This is a study.  When you embark upon it, please do follow the pattern of study which I lay out here:

Using the button links above, begin by clicking the top button and going to the first topic.  Study the topic as it is presented here, and also as it is presented elsewhere if you wish.  But study it with the goal of understanding what is being presented here.  If you don't come to a point of agreement with everything that is said, that's fine.  For the time being just come to understand what is being said.  When you arrive at a clear understanding, then click the next button and go to the next topic, working your way down from the top to the bottom.  Look at the various topics with the goal of seeing how they support one another, and seeing how the sum of the parts so seamlessly combine to create the entirety.
God has revealed
His Lunar-Based Biblical Calendar which He gave to the Hebrews.

With the implementation of this calendar we can now have confidence
in the Years for Creation, for Jesus' Birth and for His Death.
From dating information found almost exclusively within the Bible we can now
view the Full 7000 years of God's dealings with mankind!

With the addition of a lynchpin event within the Revelation timeline we can now even
view the Precise Layout of Revelation's Seven Years of End-Time Events, and
their Flawless Conjunctions with the Hebrew Holy Days!
Also see explained in detail how Jesus was speaking to the people of His time and
He did not say that we in the last days couldn't know the Timing of these events.
If you have a depth of interest in what has now been revealed about
God's 7000-Year Timeline, and you wish to examine this
subject in a thoughtful and effective manner . . .

Please carefully read this entire homepage including the note below
the menu, and follow the suggested plan of study given there.
One last request:  Please bear in mind . . . 

As His revealing of this new and vital information would certainly seem to indicate:  If God desires that His people and those who can still turn to Him should be forewarned, this material is indeed time-sensitive.  Please look at it with an open mind and an open heart, and pass it on to others as God leads you.

I would like to put my Biblical Hebrew
Calendar Creator software on the
website for all to check out
to their heart's content.
My web-development skills are
inadequate to do this and if you would
like to help, please contact me at:

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While every effort is made to present all information correctly and accurately, no representations or warranties of any kind are made, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose.  Any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk.
The correct understanding of Revelation has now allowed us to add even
Daniel's Prophecies to this growing list of solved mysteries, including
Daniel's enigmatic Day counts of 1290 Days and 1335 Days!