The map of 10 Kingdoms on the European Union's website, as it appeared in the past . . .

The Bible Predicts that in the last days, the world would be divided into 10 regions headed up by the Antichrist. The Club of Rome in 1973 proposed that the new global order include dividing the world into 10 economic trading blocks. Today, the European Commission includes a world map on their web site that shows 10 groups of nations, which would be designed to consolidate regional control. The first map of a 10-region division was done by the Club of Rome in their 1973 report "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System, and the EC map alters these divisions only slightly based upon changes over several decades of economic growth. Today we are moving towards a new world order that will consist of 10 regions making up all the countries of the world. It appears that the prophecies of the books of Daniel and Revelation are coming true in our time. The revealing of the Antichrist as the world leader cannot be far off! Image: European Commission