Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov; I'm Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live. We have very shocking news written proof actual documentation that the Vatican fully intends to build the 3rd Temple. And as well with building the 3rd Temple they will also have world-wide domination world global power and will rule from Jerusalem. And I know that sounds very ah; may be in some people's lives it sounds far-fetched, it sounds outlandish but nonetheless we have written proof that this is actually going to take place. Now before I share with you this documentation I want to take you and just kind of recap some of the things that have happened in Israel where the Vatican is concerned. And first keep in mind the Vatican has refused to acknowledge Israel's right of existence as far as a sovereign state and a people there, they still have not come out; quite out and fully acknowledged this.
They're very heavily involved with the Palestinians in order for the Palestinians to be a State, they've been heavily involved in negotiations for a Two State Solution even hosting at the Vatican a Memorial service planting in their Garden there two olives trees there in Rome by former President Shimon Peres as well as Mahmoud Abbas the President of the Palestinian Organization that is there. And even as far back Shimon Peres of course has played a major role in this back in 1993 in the Oslo Accords he was doing secret meetings with the Vatican. And of course coming out of that 1994 declarations were signed a Diplomatic Relationship was started by Israel and the Vatican of course in Israel's documents they call them The Holy See.
I wouldn't call them The Holy See period but nonetheless let me just share with you some of this document that's published on Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And we're kind of scan through this quickly. It says here this agreement is made on the basis of the provisions of the fundamental agreement between the State of Israel and The Holy See which was signed on the 30th of December 1993 and then entered into force on March 10th 1994. Herein after the Fundamental Agreement is what it's called. Okay, recalling that The Holy See is the sovereign authority of the Catholic Church, the State of Israel agrees to assure full effect in Israeli law to the legal personality of the Catholic Church itself.
Okay Article 3 the State of Israel agrees to assure full effect in Israeli law, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, to the legal personality of the following: Eastern Catholic Patriarchates: the Greek Melkite Catholic, the Syrian Catholic, the Maronite, the Chaldean, the Armenian Catholic hereinafter: the "Eastern Catholic Patriarchates. You know so they're covering everything that they possibly can.
It says the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, id est the Latin Patriarchal Diocese of Jerusalem; the present Dioceses of the Eastern Catholic Patriarchates; new Dioceses, wholly in Israel, Eastern Catholic or Latin, as may exist from time to time. So Israel is giving them broad laws, broad acceptance and of course and many of these things there a lot of laws can change at time from time.
It says also for the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that the question of assuring full effect in Israeli law to the legal personality of any new cross-border Diocese is left open. As I say they leave wide open to make changes even. For the purposes of this Agreement, a Parish is in integral part of the respective Diocese, and, without affecting its status under the canon law, will not acquire a separate legal personality under Israeli law.
A Diocese may, subject to the canon law, authorize its Parishes to act on its behalf, in such matters and under such terms, as it may determine. In this Agreement, "Diocese" includes its synonyms or equivalents. In Article 4; the State of Israel agrees to assure full effect in Israeli law, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, to the legal personality of the Custody of the Holy Land. What? To the legal personality of the Custody of the Holy Land, now is this saying that in Article 4 that they actually have it? I mean now; it seems a little vague in there. Notice what this say, the State of Israel agrees to assure full effect in Israeli law, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, to the legal personality of the Custody of the Holy Land.
Now this isn't what I'm talking about as far as documentation no it's not the written documentation I'm talking about as yet as far as the 3rd Temple. But that in itself is pretty powerful. This is what you saw in regards to David's Tomb and the site of the Last Supper above the top of that the Catholic Church was given all of that no referendum, no voting the Rabbi was not allowed to make any, any statement in regarding that. They were just told to shut up and brought in Special Forces to enforce that they could have Communion Service not just upstairs in the Last Supper Room where the Pope actually that. But they even throw the worshippers out of King David's Tomb which I say worshippers they're there praying that's a place; they believe in praying where people have passed away I'm not for that but that's what they believe in. And they throw them out of there and they sit there and do a Communion Service in there. This is why this article includes several different branches of the Catholic Church not just Roman Catholic. They're all up underneath the Pontiff; they're all up underneath the Pope of Rome. They throw them out; they do the Communion inside of there because they wanted to show the Jews that we own all of it! They took Mount Zion!
Anyway so you can read this for yourself, this is actually on www.mfa.gov.il this is Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs it's a very long article I'll read you another little section, Article 8 for For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as supporting an argument that any of the legal persons to which this Agreement applies had not been a legal person prior to this Agreement. If a party makes a claim that such a legal person had not been a legal person in Israeli law prior to this Agreement, that party shall bear the burden of proof. See Article 9 should a question with regard to the canon law arise in any matter before a Court or forum other than in a forum of the Catholic Church, it shall be regarded as a question of fact (chuckles). This is amazing, amazing without a doubt.
But anyway there's 13 Articles which is kind of interesting 13 Articles. Let me read you Article 13 this this Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the latter notification of ratification by a Party. Done in two original copies in the Hebrew and English languages, both texts being equally authentic in case of divergence, the English text shall prevail, except where explicitly provided otherwise in the Schedule. Signed in Jerusalem this 10th day of the month of November in the year 1997, which corresponds to the 10th day of the month of Heshvan in the year 5758.
Now it's kind of interesting that they made sure that those two days corresponded I thought that was kind of interesting. Nonetheless, though Shimon Peres sold out Israel to the Vatican and since then Prime Minister Netanyahu who for a long time I had a high regard for him because of his stand against Rome and not doing a Two State Solution but now we see him back peddling. And he's even gone to Rome and been part of the negotiations of a Two State Solution and as I have showed you in an article on Israeli News Live not too long we took you and showed you all around Jerusalem the building of the super highways there.
And they are building even a Check Pint from Tel Aviv into Jerusalem, a Check Point. Now I can understand a Check Point being from the West Bank on the Eastern side coming up because you're coming from the West Bank you have the Palestinian area there it's the Dead Sea from the Highway from the Dead Sea. You have to go through the Check Point because you're dealing with the West Bank coming into Jerusalem you need to check the Palestinians but why would Israel be constructing a Check Point that is on the main Highway 1 that comes from Ben Gurion Airport, from Tel Aviv coming west to the east or right up through the mountains there. All of this is Israeli territory and now they're building a Check Point that Jews, Israeli's are gonna have to go through a Check Point from Israeli territory to enter into Jerusalem. Why if they're not planning on Internationalizing this City, if they're not planning on taking this City for themselves.
Now I told you I had written documentation and this comes from the very book I've shared with you before Morals and Dogma the Ancient and Accepted Rite. As I said there is no ISB number you'll see on your screen here page 816 I didn't photograph 815 cause I'm only reading one sentence off there as it begins there. But it says here on Page 815 the avowed object of the Templars that's the Knight of Templers was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places. Now we're already on Page 816 you should be able to see this on your screen now;
Their secret object re-building of the Temple of Solomon the model prophesied by Ezekiel. This re-building formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of earlier ages had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become in effect the Metropolis of the Universe; the East would prevail over the West and the Patriarchs of Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal power. Close quote of the book.
Did you hear what they said? I'm just gonna highlight it again. Won't post it back on the screen but I want to highlight this again for you; the avowed object of the Templars, the Knight of the Templars was to protect the Christians who come to visit the Holy Places. Now this is one of the things that the Vatican is wanting to do is they're wanting to bring this about and Shimon Peres when he was making the agreement said that they would bring the United Nations and they would internationalize Jerusalem so that all nations and all religions can come and worship under protection that's what the Knights of the Templars were to do, the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places.
This secret object was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon, of the model prophesied by Ezekiel see? So it's supposed to be a secret rebuilding. This wasn't supposed to be let out that the Vatican is a part of this not just the Templars, the Knights of Templars, the Mason's their all the same thing, the Jesuits. That's why you have a Jesuit Pope now. This re-building formerly predicted by Judaizing Mystics, now my Jewish brothers they just call you a bunch of Judaizing Mystics! Isn't that interesting? You're just a bunch of Judaizing Mystics in their eyes.
And Prime Minister Netanyahu you would make a deal with Rome when they call you just a bunch of Judaizing Mystics? Do you not know what they think of you? Of the earlier ages have become the secret dreams of the Patriarchs of the Orient. Hum-um! The Temple of Solomon re-built and consecrate to what? To the Catholic worship would become in affect the Metropolis of the Universe; I told you they're wanting to internationalize the City of Jerusalem. That's exactly what they said they would do and they're gonna do it for what? The Catholic worship. They're building a 3rd Temple for Catholic worship, its not for the Jews, it's for Catholic worship.
And notice what it says at the end and the East would prevail over the West, ah; the United States we see all the evangelicals they would be conquered. The East would prevail over the West; the Eastern Christian Church would prevail over the West that kind of got away from Christianity the way that they shouldn't have left Mother Rome. So they're gonna prevail over the West and the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Constantine and the group that started the Vatican in 325 along with his Mithras Priest that were not Christians they just adopted some Christianity in there a little bit because why? Constantine wanted to unite Church and State to have more power.
And then they went and killed all the true Christians off that's what the Crusades were all about. It wasn't so much to hunt down the Jews it was hunt down the Jewish Christians that were true believers that kept Sabbath, kept the 10 Commandments the way God intended them to be kept! Anyway the Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal Power. This is how Papal reign, this is how Pope Francis truly intends to reign if from Jerusalem through Catholic worship, through the 3rd Temple, Solomon's Temple being re-built. And you don't think they're gonna do it? You can believe they're gonna do it it's only a matter of time.
And my Jewish brethren you're being duped, they called you Judaizing Mystics. You know God'll bring our Temple to us out of Heaven not from the Pope of Rome. And this is what's interesting even on; and I've been there myself; I've seen it for myself I needed to see this for myself the Ark of Titus as it's called right there in Rome. Not far from the Vatican where Titus when they came back with the Temple Treasures, the Menorah pictured on there and several other artifacts that were brought back to Rome. Now I know the Vatican was not quote on quote a Church at that point as of yet.
No I understand that but Constantine they put those; they hide those artifacts and of course when the Catholic Church was first formed that's who took over these artifacts. And the Catholic Church is proud of this symbol, they state clearly that the Menorah coming to Rome was showing that the Light of Israel was being passed down to them Replacement theology. Replacement theologist's are going to come to Israel and they're going to build a 3rd Temple. They're going to provide the funds, they've already said they would provide the funds for doing it and they're going to build it for Universal Worship in a Universal City for a Papal Catholic worship and Papal reign that's what's coming this is breaking news. I'm Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live, shalom.